Impactful Travel

A sustainable getaway | Les Toits du Monde

Close to Mont-Tremblant, Quebec, there is a little town called Nominingue. It is not your typical spot for a weekend away, which meant it was exactly what we were looking for. If you search hard enough you will always discover little towns that lead to the most incredible adventures. Off the beaten path is our favorite way to travel, and when we found Les Toits du Monde we knew it was a sustainable getaway we didn’t want to miss out on!

A beautiful drive on the way to Les Toits Du Monde (Quebec, Canada)

Aside from the remoteness, what caught my eye as I read through their website was the deep thought that went into raising awareness about the need to respect nature. The values so genuinely expressed aligned so perfectly with my vision for travel that is sustainable.

The creators of Les Toits du Monde

Dior and Sylvain are a young couple who left their engineering jobs to create a collective of unique accommodations. Their first mindfully built structure was a treehouse that opened in the summer of 2012. Since then they have added another treehouse, a tipi, yurt, and the hobbit house. They want nothing more than to spread their joy of the land and inspire others to connect with nature as much as they have.

Arriving at the Hobbit House

A winter wonderland awaits.

We arrived at Les Toits du Monde and were greeted by the silence of the surrounding forest, with few cars passing by on the “main” road. It was -20C outside and we were eager to find our shelter for the next 2 nights: the Hobbit House, tucked away in the winding trails ahead of us.

We made our way to the small reception area where a reusable bag filled with useful information was waiting for us. A quick note that if you arrive after 5pm you might have to check yourself in as we did! There was a also a large map making it easy to figure out where to go. We loaded our backpacks in the sled and started our 900m mini-hike through quite a few feet of snow. (Tip here: bring snow-pants! – kept us dry, warm, and you can jump around in the snow. For more packing suggestions make sure to check out the FAQ).

The short hike was stunning in and of itself, with conifers all around us decorating the forest with a real winter wonderland. Along the way we notice beautiful inscriptions like the one below, translated to:

“Listen to the forest that grows rather than the tree that falls”

– Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

After an uphill at the end of our trail we peaked over to see a small opening amidst the mounds of snow, leading to an oval-shaped green door. Walking into the Hobbit House we instantly appreciated the unique thought that was put into the layout, using every bit of space so wisely! We found small hints of sustainability in each area we laid eyes on.

Hints of sustainability

This distinctive little house along with its furniture is handmade from locally and sustainably sourced wood. The insulation is actually straw that creates a thermal resistance of R30! According to my other half who works in architecture, this is much higher than your regular building code. There is also a green roof underneath all that snow, and solar panels that power all the LED lights. The bathroom uses the least amount of water possible, offering a composting toilet and, if you need a shower, it comes in the form of a water bag. Wood is provided for us if extra heat is needed, and plenty of drinkable water.

It is implied to do our best to leave no trace, and bags for sorting your garbage are provided. Clearly assigned bins at the reception allow for easy and seamless disposable of any waste. There is even a small infographic that outlines why it’s so important to recycle!

Les Toits du Monde is also available in the summer, and is no less of a wonder. This is when you can find a wildlife interpretation trail and plenty of outdoor activities on the grounds.

Across the road from the main entrance there’s a private trail only accessible to guests, with stunning views well worth the hike! When the winter months pass the snowy shore transforms into a tree-lined beach, perfect for an afternoon swim. Les Toits du Monde puts in every effort to create an unforgettable experience while educating and advocating for our environment 🙂

“Built by us with a focus on local, renewable and ecological materials, they breathe health and reflect the love we put in them.”

– Dior & Sylvain

Exploring beyond Les Toits Du Monde

If you have a chance to also explore the nearby area, there are two stops we highly recommend:


Montagne-Verte has a beautiful trail system that led us to breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and Lac Mont-Tremblant. Our hosts provided us with sturdy snowshoes and off we went! The trail we did was to the first lookout just 3.6km away from where we parked, right off of Chemin du Lac-Baptiste. We broke a sweat but it was so, so worth it.

La Bohémienne

No road-trip is complete without visiting a local coffee shop! La Bohémienne is an unassuming cafe in a nearby town called Rivière-Rouge, where a sign for coffee called our name.

To our surprise not only was it a quaint coffee shop, but also a zero waste store (or in French, magasin zero-dechet)! I was truly shocked to find out this small tucked away town offers a bulk store, and even more that we came across it by complete accident. We were not planning on buying anything during this trip, but any chance we get to support local is one we take – so loose leaf tea it was!

It was a wonderful getaway filled with hiking adventures, relaxing, and meeting hardworking people who want to make a change. I hope you fall in love with the wonder of Les Toits du Monde as much as we did! We truly can’t wait to go back 🙂